
Changing perspective and recognising one's own position.

Driving through the city in a car. Sitting in a pushchair and being pushed through the city. Finding your way blind through the city. Being homeless in the city. Delivering the post. Collecting bottles. And so on. There is no "one city". Each perspective is its own city. Inspired by this fact, drawings were created dealing with other views of the city in collaboration with the artist Birgit Auf der Lauer.

The work "Child of Poseidon" shows the city from below. We drew Berlin's Osthafen from a canoe. In "Strand auf dem Pflaster" (Beach on the Pavement) we walked through Berlin backyards and drew the view at eye level. We graphically reconstructed what the cityscape looks like from above from trees.

These drawings, documents of our physical movement through the city, reveal real views and insights. At the same time, they are references to the historical panorama or the cartographer's and city planner's modes of representation, as well as appropriations of these formats. All the pictures are drawn in ink on tracing paper.

The project was developed in cooperation with the Kanuclub zur Erforschung der Stadt and the professorship Kees Christiaanse, ETH Zurich. The drawings appeared in the book "City as Ressource", published by Jovis Verlag.

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Does it really tell a story? Drawings that are drawn by hand!

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